

How to install the Stylevana app?

Follow these simple steps to install the app on your device through your current browser.


Firefox for Android

  1. Tap the "home" icon with a plus (+) icon inside it on the search bar.
  2. Press the "+ ADD TO HOME SCREEN" button on the confirmation banner to complete the action.

*For users with Android 8 and later models, a system-level "Add to Home Screen" permission dialog will appear first.


Samsung Internet Browser

  1. Tap the "download" icon (next to the refresh button) on the search bar.
  2. Press the "+ ADD TO HOME SCREEN" button on the confirmation banner to complete the action.


Google Chrome for Android

  1. Tap the “ADD TO HOME SCREEN" option on the install banner pop-up.

*If you choose not to add it to your Home screen at this point, you can do so later using the "Add to Home Screen" icon in the main Chrome menu.


Safari for iOS / iPhoneOS / iPadOS

  1. Tap the sharing button at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Find “Add to Home Screen” option. (Edit your options in the “Options >” panel if the “Add to Home Screen” option is not displayed.)
  3. Customize the name for the app that you want to appear on your home screen.
  4. Click “Add” to complete the action.
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