The papa recipe Tea Tree Control Skin is a skincare product designed to soothe and regulate sensitive, irritated skin by controlling excessive sebum production and balancing moisture levels, using key ingredients such as tea tree leaf extract and chamomile extract. It is a renewed version of the ‘Trouble Hide and Seek AC Toner’ maintaining the same quality and formulation.
Belleza - Cruelty Free: Si |
Belleza - Tipo de Uso: Día, Noche |
Belleza - Tipo de Producto Para el Cuidado Facial: Tónicos y Brumas |
Product Unit: 200ml |
Belleza - Necesidad Específica de la Piel: Grasa/Poros, Irritación/Calmante |
Belleza - Tipo de piel: Grasa, Mixta, Sensible |